mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

Ode to the violet

The shy violet, a little, poetic flower, the queen of modesty, with its deep purple and velvety petals. I think that the XIX century was the perfect time for this flower, the romantic era, now dead to the modern way of life. I dont' like Romanticism so much, but for violet I may love it :)

Violet in my garden
A violet in my garden

Violet inspired me a workshop for the fourth edition of Miniaturitalia (the only Italian fair of dollhouse miniatures) on February 2008. I realized a romantic, shabby chic ensemble, picture below:

Violet set for dollhouse class Miniaturitalia 2008

Every year, in springtime, pillows of violets bloom in my garden, hidden to a careless eye. It is a promise of joy, the hope Spring comes again. The mistery of birth-death-rebirth.
Violets in miniature for dollhouse
Violet is also the color of the spirit. It comes from blue and red mixed togheter, blue is the color of quietness, red is the color of passion, so I can say that violet is the color of armony.

Violets in miniature for dollhouse
This basket is now with one of the OOAK Celidonia's dolls

Do you know the Acatholic Cemetery of Rome? Well, in this ancient cemetery there is a tombstone in the middle of a meadow, with pillows of violets at its feet. Here lies John Keats, an English poet. On the tombstone an epigraph:
"Here lies One / Whose name Was writ in Water"

John Keats in Rome

But the violet is only a little flower.

Violets in miniature for dollhouse

7 commenti:

  1. Estasiata!! *.*

    "No cypress shades his grave, no funeral yew, / But gentle violets weeping with the dew"

    cantava Wilde sulla tomba di Keats... :)

  2. Rob, le tue minuscole creazioni sono meravigliose :) Bellissimo questo post che racchiude tutte quelle a tema viole:)

  3. Dany, contavo su di te ;)
    Grazie Rely :D adoro le violette *__*

  4. Ecco dov'è finito il cestino! :D
    Ora (assieme alla fanciulla che lo porta) appartiene alla proprietaria del museo di Basilea, incontrata a Paris Création nel 2009 :)

  5. adoro le violette!!! e adoro queste tue creazioni *_* e adoro keats!

  6. Dani ho aggiunto il link al tuo blog sotto il cestino :D Uhm uso i commenti come una chat, sono uan pessima blogger :D

  7. Grazie!! :D
    non è vero, vai benissimo come blogger!! (Sono io che sono pigra! ;D)
