Dragon Age and the beautiful Christi Friesen's little book "Dragons" have inspired me to create some dragon pendants.

The first is more a sea-snake than a dragon, I know, but it has a funny face :) In the centre there is a pale pink glass cabochon, the next will have a light blue one.
The eyes are two polymer clay balls coloured with a little amount of mica powder.

On the black throne you can see the real color of the glass.

The second is a real dragon... well, not a classic one, maybe a chinese dragon, but this time it seems more serious and evil :)
In the centre there is a deep red glass cabochon.
The eyes are two deep orange glass beads.

On the black throne you can see the real color of the glass.
I'm so excited for these new pendants! I'd like to create a lot of them, a fleet! :D
News in the next days ;)
bellissimi! mi piace quello nero ovviamente xD aspetto gli altri!
RispondiEliminaMarvellous! Li adoro *___* Bravissima!
RispondiEliminaGrazie ;P merito di Dragon Age e del libretto della Friesen :) Devo elaborarli per farli più seri e cattivi :D E lo sapevo che preferivi quello nero Nano ;P :D
RispondiEliminaSono meravigliosi!! :)
RispondiEliminaGrazie *__*
RispondiEliminacarini!! son draghetti molto "teneri" :)