martedì 29 novembre 2011

Baratto: offro...

I'm taking part to the exchange prganized by Orlosubito on her blog: Orlosubito

Here my earrings, two tiny cows and two tiny sheeps made out of polymer clay

Cow earrings in polymer clay

Sheep earrings in polymer clay

lunedì 31 ottobre 2011


Here you are a post that I've written last year fort the Etsy Italia Team blog about Halloween, with new info.

This is a very ancient festival, linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-an or sow-in) that means "summer's end" in Gaelic language. During the night all the fires were doused and then lit again thanks to a large Bonfire were bones of slaugthered animals burned. The border between our world and the Otherwolrd became thin, mankind and supernatural creatures may meet, walk the same paths, eat the same food supplies (the traditional trick or treat). Both harmless and harmful spirits might pass through the border, so to avoid harm, humans disguises theirselves with costumes and masks.

Cherrypieartstamps photo

Signoraluna photo

After the Christianization Samhain was replaced by All Saints' Day and finally named Halloween (from "All Hollows Eve) from the XV century in England.
Nowadays Halloween is very famous in the United States and in Europe, the birthplace, it is back in the last years.
In many villages of Italy the tradition of the coming back of the dead, often walking in procession in the 2nd of November night, and lighting a candel inside a pumpkin, get Halloween similar to All Saints' Day.

So tonight, remember to lit a candle and put it on your window, it will show the way to your Ancestors, then put on a costume or a mask so harmful spirits can't touch you!

Paper magnet Halloween


giovedì 4 agosto 2011


Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. Mermaid - CloudNumberNine
2. Wave island necklace - Chickslab
3. Mermaid Tears - LaPerlaa
4. Spuma di mare Earrings - Betsy

I follow your voice, mermaids, to see the light of the sea.

mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Five best blogs

Yesterday I had a wonderful surprise, a prize for my blog, the first one :D
Ilenia give me it. She is a crafter, her handpainted ceramic pendants and creations are so beautiful and delicate, please, visit her:

Etsy shop

Best Blog logo

Now I have to give the prize to five blogs. It is a hard choice, I know a lot of wonderful blogs, but here you are the five winners:

Cuori di pietra

I have chosen them because they are poetic, their blogs have a beautiful graphics and theay are sweet persons :)

martedì 2 agosto 2011

Nautical shabby chic

I don't like sea or nautical theme very much, but there is a kind of style, between nautical and shabby chic, that fascinate me in a strange way. Light colors mixed with blue and red, some grey and a lot of white. Lighthouses in the shades of the summer sky, lost shells, faux starfishes, clear sand, soft cotton fabric.

Miniature ship for dollhouse

I know that this mixed style is not the real nautical one, but I like it too much for considering something of different about sea :)

Sea items in miniature for dollhouse

My first attempt to create something about the sea is this little roombox, about eight years ago. Pictures are very bad :/

Roombox with shells

I reach the first lovely result with a tutorial written for Piccole Cose (the ADMI magazine), a little woden boat in two colors: white-read and white-blue.

Ships in miniature for dollhouse

But I'm very proud of my "nautical attempts" only with these two shelves :)

Nautical furniture in miniature for dollhouse
boat-shaped, sold out here

Nautical furniture in miniature for dollhouse
bathing cabin-shaped, for sale here

One of my endless projects, to trasform a greenhouse from Ikea in a nautical shabby chic roombox, but I accept suggestions for a shorter project :D

giovedì 28 luglio 2011

Black Wonderland

Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. Ace Card Poker Set - Venetianartiquity
2. Alice in Wonderland Coin Purse - Retrospettive
3. Into the vortex - Lazyfish
4. Perdiction - Juliacalimera

Sometimes also the Wonderland seems so dark...

venerdì 15 luglio 2011

Now you are my guest - Bijouxdellostregatto

From now a new section to host artists I know, great artists for me :)

Romantic creations, delicate as the petals of a rose, fresh as the dew on the flowers in a sunny, sweet morning.
This is the spirit of Bijouxdellostregatto, a beautiful shop on Etsy and a collection of curated, lovely items.

Bijouxdellostregatto's earrings

Jewelry, elegant bookmarks, cell-phone pouches presented in soft light pictures.
Pink, light blue, nautical themes seems to be the favourites of this artist.
A year ago I bought from her a wonderful necklace for my mom, this one:

Bijouxdellostregatto's necklace

I have to say that this necklace in person is better than in photo and soft to the touch, amazing! :)
Priscilla, the person behind the brand Bijouxdellostregatto, is a very sweet, beautiful woman, very kind and elegant. I've never known a person so quiet and sweet :)

Bijouxdellostregatto's pendant

Take a peek in her sho
and in her facebook page

Today is her birthday, best wishes Priscilla :D

martedì 12 luglio 2011

Sea magnet

Sea magnet

You need
4 flat wooden sticks
1 little wooden peg
some nautical items (anchor, pebbels, shells, faux starfish)
paper sheets
blue and white acrylic paint
white 3D liner
glue for wood

Cut from the flat wooden sticks four pieces: 2.8 in high, 0.7in wide, 0.1 in depth.

Sea magnet tutorial
Sand the flat wooden sticks and paint them with the white acrylic paint on both sides.

Sea magnet tutorial

Prepare three shades of blue adding a growing amount of blue acrylic paint in the white one. Paint one of the stick in white and three sticks with the other shades of blue (see the picture).
Glue the four pieces of wood.Now you have a 2.8 in square.

Sea magnet tutorial

Glue a magnet, or four littel magnets, on the back side.
Sea magnet tutorial

Glue the little wooden peg on the front of the square and also the nautical items and the cord, as you prefer.
Write the word "Sea" with the 3D liner.

Sea magnet tutorial

You can put in the peg some paper sheets or a little photo.

Sea magnet tutorial

Happy Holydays! :)

Only for personal use, commercial use is not allowed.

giovedì 16 giugno 2011

Getaway to the Otherworld

Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. To Edgar - ArchivioGotico
2. Skull and Raven - Lemondedeamelie
3. Raven card - Sabrinazanetti
4. Heart key necklace - Nanofactory

Carrion-crows and ravens are seen in many religions as psychopompos, guides of souls to the Otherworld.

mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

The House of Mouse

I'm so excited, The Mouse is arrived! :D
One month ago I entered a giveaway on The House of Mouse blog and I won! :D
The mouse I've chosen is Gourdon the Pumpkin Mouse, here you are!

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

This mouse is so tender and funny, I can embrace him with my fingers.

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

The package is simple, cute and I find a little gift inside :) and a certificate.

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

In April I bought from The House of Mouse a Chewbacca Mouse, a gift for my husband, and two funny magnets.

The House of Mouse Halloween and Chewbacca mice

The creators of these wonderful and sweet mice are Anna and Naomi, two sisters who live in Netherelands and England. Here their shop on Etsy: The House of Mouse. Please, visit the shop because their mice are so funny and they have the power to give to the world a smile :)
Anna and Naomi are both really kind. I'm so happy to have these two little mice with me.

Me and The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

Hey Gourdon, it's time to search a comfortable corner for you. Say goodbye and follow me!
Thank you Anna and Naomi :D

giovedì 2 giugno 2011


Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. Floral-print bow embellished dress - Chromantication
2. Beige pleated clutch with removable fabric flower pin - Loscrignodililly
3. Pink Flower Rabbit Brooch - Atelierpompadour
4. Petite Organic Sterling Silver Band Ring - Lovepotiondesign
5. Two tiny round cameo paintings - Artinvenice

domenica 8 maggio 2011

Earrings and bracelets display racks

English version coming soon!
Display template

Earrings display tutorial

Earrings display tutorial

Display template

Bracelet display tutorial

Only for personal use, commercial use is not allowed.

sabato 30 aprile 2011

venerdì 22 aprile 2011

Pasqua 2011

I wonder why the first tought for Holydays goes to food. Maybe because food puts togheter families in a easy way, even if sometimes food can divide.

My mother comes from Perugia (Umbria) so I've made some traditional Easter food from Umbria.

Easter cake for dollhouse

A ring shaped cake called "Ciaramicola". This cake has a heart of soft sponge-cake with Alchermes (a sweet deep pink liqueur) and a coat of meringue with tiny sweet confentioneries in five different colors: red, white, yellow, green and azure.

Red and white are the colors of Perugia. Yellow is the color of the cornfields, green is the colors of the meadows and azure is the color of the Trasimeno lake.

Easter food for dollhouse

A salty cake, a sort of cheese bread. This cake is often served with a salted and smoked pork meat taken form the neck called "Capocollo".

I know some of my followers are Veg*, I hope one day traditional Easter food will be meat-free!

Easter eggs for dollhouse

Eggs! Why eggs? Eggs are symbol of birth and Easter is the day of rebirth. It is Springtime and Spring is the season of birth and life. So eggs!
Easter sweet for dollhouse

I wish you a Happy Easter and better, a Happy Rebirth-day ;)

Happy Easter

giovedì 21 aprile 2011

I say woof!

Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. Scotty dog striped red and orange - Fattidame 
2. The boss - Trotalo
3. Sir Thomas Portrait - Valeriatelier
4. The small giant - Cartaforbicesasso

mercoledì 20 aprile 2011

Ode to the violet

The shy violet, a little, poetic flower, the queen of modesty, with its deep purple and velvety petals. I think that the XIX century was the perfect time for this flower, the romantic era, now dead to the modern way of life. I dont' like Romanticism so much, but for violet I may love it :)

Violet in my garden
A violet in my garden

Violet inspired me a workshop for the fourth edition of Miniaturitalia (the only Italian fair of dollhouse miniatures) on February 2008. I realized a romantic, shabby chic ensemble, picture below:

Violet set for dollhouse class Miniaturitalia 2008

Every year, in springtime, pillows of violets bloom in my garden, hidden to a careless eye. It is a promise of joy, the hope Spring comes again. The mistery of birth-death-rebirth.
Violets in miniature for dollhouse
Violet is also the color of the spirit. It comes from blue and red mixed togheter, blue is the color of quietness, red is the color of passion, so I can say that violet is the color of armony.

Violets in miniature for dollhouse
This basket is now with one of the OOAK Celidonia's dolls

Do you know the Acatholic Cemetery of Rome? Well, in this ancient cemetery there is a tombstone in the middle of a meadow, with pillows of violets at its feet. Here lies John Keats, an English poet. On the tombstone an epigraph:
"Here lies One / Whose name Was writ in Water"

John Keats in Rome

But the violet is only a little flower.

Violets in miniature for dollhouse