giovedì 16 giugno 2011

Getaway to the Otherworld

Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. To Edgar - ArchivioGotico
2. Skull and Raven - Lemondedeamelie
3. Raven card - Sabrinazanetti
4. Heart key necklace - Nanofactory

Carrion-crows and ravens are seen in many religions as psychopompos, guides of souls to the Otherworld.

mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

The House of Mouse

I'm so excited, The Mouse is arrived! :D
One month ago I entered a giveaway on The House of Mouse blog and I won! :D
The mouse I've chosen is Gourdon the Pumpkin Mouse, here you are!

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

This mouse is so tender and funny, I can embrace him with my fingers.

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

The package is simple, cute and I find a little gift inside :) and a certificate.

The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

In April I bought from The House of Mouse a Chewbacca Mouse, a gift for my husband, and two funny magnets.

The House of Mouse Halloween and Chewbacca mice

The creators of these wonderful and sweet mice are Anna and Naomi, two sisters who live in Netherelands and England. Here their shop on Etsy: The House of Mouse. Please, visit the shop because their mice are so funny and they have the power to give to the world a smile :)
Anna and Naomi are both really kind. I'm so happy to have these two little mice with me.

Me and The House of Mouse Halloween mouse

Hey Gourdon, it's time to search a comfortable corner for you. Say goodbye and follow me!
Thank you Anna and Naomi :D

giovedì 2 giugno 2011


Collage Etsy Italia Team

1. Floral-print bow embellished dress - Chromantication
2. Beige pleated clutch with removable fabric flower pin - Loscrignodililly
3. Pink Flower Rabbit Brooch - Atelierpompadour
4. Petite Organic Sterling Silver Band Ring - Lovepotiondesign
5. Two tiny round cameo paintings - Artinvenice